Adapted course moduls

Course modules 100% adapted to your systems and processes.

Better education gives great benefit

It is often a difficult process to arrange courses in internal systems and processes –a standard course is not available, and the internal demand is not always big enough. In this case develop one or more online modules covering the course is a good investment.

The advantage of online modules is that they can be used again and again at exactly the needed time and place. At the same time, they are 100% tailored to your messages and systems, hence your employees can relate to the content and make great use of it.

Defined development process

At 2masterIT we develop course modules after a fixed framework. We combine this with the huge experiences and the big knowledge we have gained through many years of working with online training. We will achieve the expected result within the agreed timeframe and in the agreed quality.

No limitation in usage

We develop the modules specifically for you and in your design. The modules consist of your messages and you have the full right to use them. The modules can be accessed by all your employees as often as they desire.
"We have several users in the IT department who have had access to online training for the past years.

We have extended this access since we have planned a comprehensive training plan for the upcoming coming period."
Royal Arctic Line
Henrik Egede Hansen
"2masterIT helps me doing training while traveling, in the evenings and on other times that fit into my everyday life."
Elfac A/S
Henrik Lynnerup
IT Manager
"As part of a major educational program, we at Advizor have given our IT consultants access to online training. With the built-in tools, we can keep track of progress for the individual and offer help if needed."
Advizor IT
Flemming Knudsen
Partner, Sales and Marketing
Contact us and describe your learning needs. We will then set up a proposal that you can use for your decision making.

  • Books24x7
  • Skillsoft
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